Mo' Comic

Mo' Comic
"The 'Nays' have it."

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Creationism is a huge diversity in education today; not to me! I agree with a classmate's blog about not teaching creationism. I was a bit confused, though, because in the same paragraph, the author says, “I believe students should be exposed to all sides of the evolution controversy”. Then they say, “I don’t believe that should be done because most scientists heavily favor and support the theory of evolutionism”. I agree with their second stance! Almost 100% of scientists “favor the unadulterated teaching of evolution in public schools”. They want to teach what they have been taught… I wonder why? It could be that they took science classes instead of theology or religion classes
If a parent wants their child to learn any topic not in public curriculum, they need to go elsewhere. Children go to afterschool activities everyday and that includes church; surly they could explain the whole creationism idea there.
I also agree that children should be exposed to new things, but who decides what should be exposed? So yes, expose your kids… at home. Why should we all learn about a Christian theory? Then we would have to learn the Hindu, Islamic, Jewish (and so on) theories of creation. I just think if you want your child to be taught about a religious theory, take them to church.
Science teachers are hired to teach science. Sunday school teachers are hired to teach religion. You cannot force someone to believe something… well you can but you shouldn’t. There are specialized schools all around and plenty of religious ones that are more than happy to teach creationism.