Mo' Comic

Mo' Comic
"The 'Nays' have it."

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Home Sweet Home for Perry?

After reading a commentary in the Austin American Statesman by John Kelso, my feelings about Rick Perry… well, stayed the same. He blatantly calls you stupid in the first paragraph if you don’t agree that supposedly Perry is over reacting about his move while the Galveston victims are moving back. Kelso makes fun of the fact that Perry moved to Lost Creek while his other home, the Governor’s Mansion, was being remodeled; now he has to wait longer for the arson damage to be repaired.

Kelso writes commentaries and has a column named: Kelso’s Cranky Corner, which is pretty hilarious. His short and to the point bio is: “The court jester of South Austin, humor columnist John Kelso, offers these words of ... well, um ... words.” He makes it very clear throughout his commentaries he loves Austin and is writing for “Austinites”. So not much clue about his credibility, but I like him!

Kelso claims that Perry is living in a 4,602-square-foot home and at the house he is in now until his actual house is renovated, has a 1,100-square-foot guesthouse. Kelso wonders why there were so many evacuees sleeping on floors and not in that guesthouse? The columnist uses a lot of sarcasm, something I like: The Perry family also suffered during the hurricane and had to get in “a great big car with air conditioning and power windows and then travel 14 miles from their home southwest of town to get to downtown Austin”. Kelso reports that the state is paying Perry’s $9,900-a-month rent! 

Evacuees, on the other hand, expect “Rodents, raw sewage, a curfew and no electricity. 
When Perry returns home, he faces the possibility of the new carpet not matching the drapes.”

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